Our Strategy

Stand Ready Now, Fit for the Future.

We take first priority on conventional quality hydrocarbon areas, focus on the quick win underdevelopment oil & gas fields and the on-stream fields. We aim to create breakthroughs on our upstream segment according to the reasonable and tangible projects planning and the evaluation of the new assets. We develop E&P coordinately with financing, explore the financing channels at home and abroad, always make the preparation for the future M&A projects.

The world energy development trends predict the petroleum industry will maintain a good prospect in the next several decades. We develop our E&P business following the below working principles:

· Strategically focus on the regions along the "Belt and Road” to hunt for the rich oil and gas resources with strong prospective potential in Central Asia, Middle East and Russia; 

· Optimize the selection of E&P assets from large-scale oil and gas burying areas, big basins, and hydrocarbon enrichment zones around the world;

·  Target the conventional hydrocarbon resources to acquire oil assets at the short term and gas assets in the long run to finally build a high-quality and diversified portfolio;

·  Prefer to develop the fields at the stage of near to production, or to dig the potential of the brown fields by applying secondary development or EOR methods, and carefully expand exploration activity aiming at high potential blocks;

· Be cautious about the investment in offshore, deep zones and unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs.

技术支持: 博网追新科技(北京)有限公司 | 管理登录
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