Tenge Project

Tenge Oil and Gas Field Project

Tenge Oil and Gas Field is located in Mangershlak Basin which is the second largest oil and gas enrichment area of Kazakhstan, near to the world famous giant Uzen Oil Field, having advantageous geological conditions. The development of Tenge was divided into 2 stages. The first stage is from 1964 to 2000 concentrating on gas development from main reservoirs in upper middle Jurassic formations of ⅩⅢ-ⅩⅦ with relative large gas production scale, making Tenge be the second largest gas field in the country; the second stage is from 2000 till now focus on oil production from main reservoirs in lower middle Jurassic formations of ⅩⅧ-ⅩⅩⅢ. Now Tenge oil is staying at early stage with stable output showing sound development potential.

76 wells were drilled in Tenge Oil and Gas Field till now, and most of the wells encountered the target zones of ⅩⅧ-ⅩⅩⅢ. The oil and gas reservoirs distribution and hydrocarbon bearing areas were clearly figured by detailed geological study. 19 oil producers were open to obtain daily oil production 300 tons and annually production 100 thousand wells in 2019. After deployed old wells rejuvenation and new wells drilling optimization, well production was increased sharply to reach around 50 t/d per well. The reservoir properties were further studied and the project value was increased greatly. It is estimated Tenge will be developed to a middle scale field induced by its stable well production performances. Specially, the oil and gas production infrastructure system was well established within the field, and the oil and gas trading channel is mature with good cash flow. Tenge Oil and Gas Field is quite supportive to the upstream business of the Company.

Till 30 June 2020, the half year accumulated oil production is 52.4 thousand tons and gas production is 6.3688 million m3 in Tenge Oil and Gas Field.


Oil gathering station under construction

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